West course, following Columbus
North Atlantic
Position:40° 06 N, 033° 25 W
Mit dabei:Walter Sedlmair (railway employee from Bavaria), Cornelius Schneider-Marfels (German violin maker)
For two weeks we’ve been sailing completely alone on the North Atlantic against the elements. We’re sticking to the course Christoph Columbus followed. Departure point and date (just a few hundred years later) are almost identical to Columbus’ first trip from Hispaniola to Europe. We’re sailing JONATHAN across the Atlantic in such a way that it emulates the characteristics of a Spanish Carvelle from 1492. The result is astonishing. For about 100 miles our course coincides with Columbus’s. We follow it to the Azores and on to Portugal.
Lisbon looms in the bright evening sky, becoming larger and slowly recognizable. There’s this incredible view, becoming ever clearer and sharper the closer we get – proving the city is a great spectacle. Only few ports in the world offer this impressive view – that’s a real privilege. We’re sailing along the Algarve and discover wonderful gems of history. An area to indulge in wine and “tapas” culture, a trip for lovers of culture and history.