With the indigenous people of San Blas
Guna Yala
Position:between 09° 15 N, 078° 02 W and 09 ° 11 N, 075 ° 58 W
Mit dabei:Sigfried Knauss (refrigeration technician from Austria), Beat Bühler (Swiss entrepreneur)
The culture of the Guna Indios is hardly known. The San Blas Islands are neither shown in the usual school atlases nor on Google Maps. You can only find traces of this magical island world there.
We sailed to the Colombian border of the Indian region. The buccaneer Sir Francis Drake was also up to mischief here. Far from tourism, the Guna Indios in the eastern part are totally different to their relatives on the western islands around Porvenier. They differ in physiognomy, as well as in social order. They hunt with blowguns and worship Mother Earth. Kayukos – Indian canoes carved out of a single tree trunk – are still made here. The Indians get fresh water from the nearby rivers. Some settlements built an aqueduct and get water from the source of a river.
We drove upstream, moving almost silently with the electric motor. Animals are not shy and come up unsuspectingly. Monkeys, toucans, hummingbirds, scarlet cardinal birds, ibises and herons frolic here. You can even see tapirs. A real paradise, not only for photo enthusiasts. Hiking in the jungle becomes an adventure, especially at night. The sounds of birds and monkeys merge into a concert for ears and soul.